Friday, July 30, 2004


This was a day that calls for an entry. I always have the best time with my friend Cherm. We were going to see a show in Seattle tonight, but before hand we stopped by REI to look at or buy a pack for Cherm's Europe trip. That was the best part of the whole night. I didn't want to leave. The guy who was helping her was so nice and whatta cutie! His name tag read "Drew". He had gorgeous eyes. A soft gentle blue. He was funny and talkative and super helpful. He really knows his stuff. I was disappointed that I wasn't buying a pack. Once I have a job though, I'm getting me one. It's gonna be like my short story. The guy keeps going to the store buying things he doesn't need just so he can talk to the girl. Course this would be the other way around. I wonder where he likes to go hiking? ...

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